SW19MAMILS: Parents who ride, run and swim...

Guide to ride club?

Regular Wednesdays 0600 riding or whenever anyone offers a ride out usually heading to Richmond Park but often further afield. Meet at Cafe Nerro in Southfields.

Please read our 5 riding principles:

  1. INCLUSIVE WEEKLY FIRST LAP: If Richmond park riding leave no parent behind on Lap 1 and maybe try and chat to someone you don't know! Thereafter its up to you what pace you choose to ride
  2. MINDFUL OF FAMILY TIME: If organising a longer ride put in target average speed and time you need to leave / be be back for - early starts work well for family time :)
  3. NOT JUST CYCLISTS: Ride for fun but also run/swim for fitness in support of wider lycra led pursuits (e.g. triathlon, duathlon, marathons etc)
  4. WHEN RIDING AS A GROUP: Communicate! Talk to each other point stuff out and have a plan for rotation in advance! Use lifesaver glance observations, don't cross wheels
  5. RIDING AT PACE (e.g. lap timing!) Only ride a single pace line, do what time you can at the front before moving out to the back of the line - never take the lead of the line from the middle or the back. Watch the first 2 mins of this video to see how it works

Last thing: this is an OPEN group people can join from the link below! No permission required only a self regulated request that for anyone you ask to join they are a parent in southwest London. Intended to be an inclusive way to organise meet ups to enjoy the outdoors for all standards. Feel free to invite any other parents and schedule rides, runs or swims. All they need do is click the WhatsApp link below:

Sign up on WhatsApp, Join us on STRAVA

Currently 31 local parents in the group and growing. It is open to all so do invite your pals :)

All England white with purple flanks...

Sign up here to get your top: Price £55 / Castelli squadra jersey sizing details here